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Email Subject Lines: 5 Formulas to Grab Attention

By Simon K.
Thursday, August 8, 2024
email subject lines

Whether you own a business, work in an established design agency, or are newly venturing into digital marketing, prioritizing lead capture, nurturing customer relationships, and providing email support are essential. The first step to creating compelling emails involves a captivating subject line that grabs the readers’ attention right from their inbox. Explore this article to learn about up-to-date strategies for creating noticeable email subject lines that improve your open rates and generate engagement in 2024.

Your audience is inundated with new emails every single day, making their inboxes extremely crowded. Your subject line of an email is the first point of contact, like a bouncer or gatekeeper. The most compelling subject lines grab attention and inform the reader about the relevance, value, and context of the email to help them click through to read the content of the email. This means that your email subject line is extremely important to master.

Effective subject lines will boost your open rates, improve the success of your email marketing campaign, captivate your audience, and improve your storytelling. Let’s explore the 5 top subject line formulas that grab attention in the inbox.

Table of Contents:

Subject Line Formula 1: Personalization and Customization

Personalization should be a priority if your goal is to try to get your users to open emails. Personalization, combined with data-driven insights and customization, changes the game to entice readers to click through and read your email. This can be done through:

  • Using first names: Where possible, you should try to address your recipient by their first names to connect with them on a personal level. For example, “John, Don’t Miss Out on ____” will resonate much more than “Hello Everyone, Don’t Miss Out on____.”
  • Leveraging data on user behavior: Behavioral analytics can also help you customize your subject lines. You can use specific behavior and preferences to optimize relevance for your users.
  • Utilizing dynamic content: Referencing user data is a great way to personalize your emails for your audience. For example, you can use elements such as location, past purchases, and past engagement to make your emails feel more personalized.

Personalization is about capitalizing on psychological triggers that make your emails more engaging to spark conversations. When readers see personalized subject lines, they know that the email content is dynamically tailored, which increases the chances of more sets of eyes reading them for your campaign.

Refer to Campaign Monitor’s knowledge base article “Should You Personalize Your Subject Lines?”

Formula 2: Curiosity and Intrigue

Curiosity is one of the most powerful motivators that influence your open rates. Subject lines that pique curiosity will encourage the reader to read more. Here are a few ways to influence your readers through curiosity:

  • Open-ended questions: Asking questions that make readers want to read for answers can be very effective.
  • Teasers: Teasers are when you give a snippet into the contents of the email, offering just enough info to create interest without revealing too much.
  • Mystery Elements:  You can create urgency or mystery that prompts readers to open the email for more context or details.

Curiosity taps into and exploits human psychology. Email subject lines that create curiosity trigger the users’ minds to resolve the unknown, leading to more engagement and interactions with your content.

Check out this link to Drip’s article on “7 of the best curiosity subject lines [they’ve] ever seen”

Formula 3: Urgency and Scarcity

Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a real and powerful motivator to make readers take immediate action. Creating a sense of urgency and scarcity can induce this feeling of FOMO. You can create a sense of urgency by offering:

  • Limited-Time Offers: These are time-sensitive deals and promos like “Only 24 hours left for 50% OFF!”
  • Exclusive Access: Give early access to your loyal customers or offer them exclusive content. For example, “Be the first to try our latest product!”
  • Countdowns: Countdowns have the same effect as limited-time offers. Phrases such as “Only a few hours left” can increase the sense of urgency and encourage readers to act immediately so that they avoid missing out on something fantastic.

Creating urgency and scarcity is a powerful psychological trigger that can entice your audience to take certain actions now and improve open rates and conversions.

Refer to Ominsend’s opinion on “Last chance email subject lines: Boosting conversion rates and urgency”

Formula 4: Value Proposition and Benefits

Subject lines that clearly define the value proposition and benefits you offer can make your email content seem more compelling and worth opening. Some methods include:

  • Provide a clear value statement: The value of the email should be obvious to the readers. For example, “Save $100 on your next purchase” is clear and on point. If it lands in the right inbox, it should be impactful and make readers feel they will get real benefits for clicking ($100 discount).
  • Offering solutions to their problems: Helping your users solve a problem will encourage those struggling with a specific issue to open and read the email to address and mitigate their pain points.
  • Giving exclusive insights: Offer your users tips, insights, and relevant information, such as “Unlock expert tips for business success.” The readers will be swayed to click through and open your emails to uncover insights.

Communicating your value proposition and benefits are strong motivators that give the readers immediate value or solutions to problems that they are currently facing, making it more likely for email engagement. Provide them with clear value to help you attract readers who are looking for benefits and solutions.

Subject line Formula 5: Humor & Creativity

It is no secret that laughter is the best medicine. Using humor, comedy, and creativity in your subject lines will increase your open rate because people will resonate with the positivity of your brand identity. To add creativity and humor to your email subject lines, you can leverage:

  • Puns & Wordplay: Puns and fun wordplay can help your subject line resonate with the reader. For example, a grocery store targeted to nudge-friendly shoppers may say something like, “Lettuce Helps You Save.”
  • Light-hearted tone: A friendly, humorous tone can increase engagement and help nurture relationships.
  • Cultural references: Pop culture and trends will help you create relevant and engaging subject lines. For example, “Game of Thrones Fans, We Have News!” could be very effective at announcing a release date for a game, movie, or other product.

Humor and creativity make emails more fun and memorable, increasing the chances of your emails being opened while creating positive associations with your brand.

Refer to Hubspot’s article on Funny Email subject lines begging to be opened

Key Takeaways for Improving Your Subject Lines:

Each of the 5 subject line formulas—personalization and Customization, Curiosity and Intrigue, Urgency and Scarcity, Value Propositions and Benefits, and Humor and Creativity—has huge potential to boost open rates and improve your email marketing impact in 2024.

You should experiment with these strategies to craft compelling subject lines that not only stand out but also improve the engagement and ROI of your marketing efforts. Email marketing is always evolving. Strive to keep your strategies fresh and relevant by including some of these ideas in your subject lines so that you can retain your competitive advantage.

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